Winning Strategies & Sales for Artisans (Online Course)

$75 $300

In order to sell successfully, you'll need a balance of SKILLSET and MINDSET

This detailed, interactive, step by step sales, marketing and mindset course for artists (including crafters and photographers), not only has a focused purpose of helping you pay your bills but to also help you to create disposable income. You know... a little extra to reinvest into yourself!

This is an online self guided course where I virtually hold your hand through the process of shifting you from hobbyist to entrepreneur. It's a whole new world for sure!  

I will be providing confidence boosting tips and encouragement throughout the course.   An extremely high value addition to the course is video, written content and guest interviews from a media & PR strategist.

If you're not a natural marketer or in sales, this can feel daunting. I'm here to help you find the FUN in it! (And to NOT forget why you started in the realm of creating beauty in the world, in the first place)


If you're scared AND excited all mixed into one, you'll love this course.  Your career WILL get busy for you as you implement my blueprint of success. I've mentored many and they're thriving now! 

After making your purchase, your course(s) can be found at 

Sharal McMillan says: I'm selling steadily now! So many great tips but one that stands out is your section on photographing my work. It's helped buyers see the details of my art! (Also I've gotten a lot more interest since I started to using more of your LUXE Metallic Powders (I was being stingy before) And that's made a difference!

Jen Moreson says: Within the first week of Victoria's coaching, I had multiple inquiries on my art! I'm in amazement still! 


 * Course Curriculum Below


Lesson: Foundation To Success (Mind Work) 

    • Topic: Daily habits to cement your success


    • Topic: Building Confidence


    • Topic: The Abundant Mind


    • Topic: Intuition in business (and life)


Naming Your Business & Branding it


    • User Experience – How to set YOURSELF apart

Lesson: Facebook & Instagram Are Your Friends!


Lesson: The 3 C's of Making Money As A Creative


Lesson: (Making Money) #1 Completed Art & Photography


    • Topic: Lighting and photographing art


    • Topic: Social Media Sharing For The Win


    • Topic: The Vital Role Of StoryTelling

Lesson: (Making Money) #2 Commissions

    • Topic: Reviews & Testimonials


    • Topic: How to Price

Lesson: (Making Money) #3 Classes

    • Topic: Teaching Tips


    • Topic: Teaching Pitfalls


    • Topic: Using your classes for exposure

Finance: You have money, now what?


    • Topic: How To Not Get Swept Away By Business Stress


    • Topic: Copyright laws and legal stuff that could save your bacon! 


Bonus: How To Get Free PR (Video Interviews!)

    • Topic: Enjoy multiple videos jam packed with info from Michelle Moore, media & PR strategist

(Results will vary based on your efforts, homework completion and following the course as precisely as possible)




No refunds on educational courses


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